On Demand CME
On Demand Courses - University Learning CME courses are designed to fit your personal needs. We record all of our live seminars and make them available in a convenient online format. You can watch these courses on your computer, your iPad, or you mobile phone. We bundle together the same material that live attendees receive along matching the same format of three five hour sessions. Each session is available packaged in a convenient segements accessible from our learning management system. Following the completion of a short quiz you can “claim” credit for the knowledge you gained. Credit is reported to CPE Monitor within 24-48 hours.
Very Popular! Opioid Training from an expert who wrote the SAMSA standard.
2024 DEA MATE TRAINING ON DEMAND - Fulfills 8 hours of DEA required Accreditation Council for Continuing Medical Education (ACCME) and Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) MATE Training AMA Category 1™ CME. Taught by Dr. Reamer L. Bushardt, PharmD, PA-C, DFAAPA, Principal Investigator Expansion of Practitioner Education in Substance Use Disorders Program, U.S. Substance Abuse and Mental Health Services Administration (SAMHSA) REGISTER
Pharmacology Overview Courses - Created especially for clinical NPs at the VA but applicable to everyone. Outstanding review from both years. Take both as the courses are complementary. Other ULS courses drill down on the overview of these survey courses.
2024 Clinical Pharmacology Essentials* - Recorded in a live meeting for Veterans Administration Nurse Practitioners. This course provides 16 hours of on demand pharmacotherapeutics taught by seven experts in the field. Rave reviews for the second year in a row from the VA. REGISTER
2023 Clinical Pharmacology Essentials - Recorded in a live meeting for Veterans Administration Nurse Practitioners. This course provides 16 hours of on demand pharmacotherapeutics taught by seven experts in the field. First year of a five year series. Different material than in 2024. REGISTER
Information about New Drugs, presented by the industry leader. He will tell you back stories behind the published literature.
2024 New Drug Update- Dr. Weart is a legendary leader in the movement of using patient outcomes to direct pharmacotherapy. He communicates his exceptional understanding of the drugs and the studies that the FDA uses to approve new primary care medications. He compares and contrasts the new drugs with existing medications. Dr. Weart has a large and devoted following of students and fellow professionals. Year after year, professionals return to hear this legendary expert present clinical pearls that they can incorporate into their own practices. REGISTER
Fantastic overview GI Disorders
2024-02 Pharmacology of GI Disorders - 15 In depth hours by Dr. Peter Buch, aclinical gastroenterologist with over 30 years of teaching experience. Teaching is his passion! His style is case based, practical, very interactive and fun. REGISTER
A Nurse Practitioner Perspective on Pharmacology
2024-10 Kauai- NP Wendy Wright provides a nurse practitioner’s perspective on over 16 hours of material: New Drugs, Obesity Case Studies, COPD, Fibromyalgia, Pediatric Pharmacotherapeutics, COVID–Drug Interactions, CKD Treatment in Primary Car, Antibiotic Update: Respiratory Infections, New Therapies for Resistant Hypertension, OA and RA Guidelines 2023, and Immunizations REGISTER
Diabetes and Cardiovascular Pharmacology
2024-09 Las Vegas - Diabetes and Cardiovascular Pharmacotherapy
CKD, Opioids and Antimicrobials
2024-12 Las Vegas - Topic 1: Chronic Kidney Disease, Topic 2 : Opioid Abuse, Topic 3: Improving Safety of Antimicrobials in the Elderly Population. REGISTER
Designed for the American Clinical Board of Nutrition - but broadly applicable pharmacology content.
2024 ACBN / ACPE Training - Provides 15 hours of continuing education credit required by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) for Diplomates as well as Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) pharmacology credit for Pharmacists, and Nurse Practitioners. Certain other health professionals can use ACPE credit to fulfill license requirements. REGISTER
2023 ACBN / ACPE Training - Provides 15 hours of continuing education credit required by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) for Diplomates as well as Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE) pharmacology credit for Pharmacists, and Nurse Practitioners. Certain other health professionals can use ACPE credit to fulfill license requirements. REGISTER
2023 ACBN / Chiro Training - Provides 12 hours of continuing education creditrequired by the American Clinical Board of Nutrition (ACBN) for Diplomates and chiropractic credit approved by the Frank J. Nicchi School of Continuing Education Northeast College of Health Sciences. REGISTER