Updates in Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss, Drug Interaction Overview, Infectious Disease and Polypharmacy

Recorded December 8, 2023. This course is course is valid until December 8, 2026 and may be taken for credit up to that time.

Obesity and Weight Loss :

  • Review risk factors and criteria within obesity

  • Describe appropriate patient populations for weight loss pharmacotherapy.

  • Delineate key characteristics of various pharmacotherapy options including GLP-1 agonists.

  • Apply knowledge within patient cases to select an appropriate pharmacotherapy option.

Drug Interaction Overview:

  • Identify common drug interaction mechanisms including cytochrome P450 enzymes.

  • Identify relevant clinical drug interactions for common medications.

  • Delineate assessment and management strategies for each drug interaction.

New Antimicrobials, Penicillin Allergy De-labeling, Shorter Durations of Therapy, and IV to PO conversion and new HIV PreP:

  • Review various new FDA-approved antimicrobials.

  • Evaluate these agents critically for use in clinical practice.

  • Review new drugs for prevention of HIV infection (HIV PreP) in high risk individuals.

  • Discuss penicillin allergies including long-term implications.

  • Describe process and recent data supporting intervention strategies to de-label patients.

  • Describe disease states for which shorter durations of therapy data are growing.

  • Review data for which IV to PO conversion is growing for complicated infections.

Polypharmacy in the Elderly:

  • Recognize factors leading to polypharmacy in the elderly.

  • Define inappropriate medications for elderly patients.

  • Describe tools to screen patients for polypharmacy.

  • Delineate best practices in polypharmacy through patient cases.


  • University Learning Systems is accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education as a Provider of continuing pharmacy education.

  • California Board of Registered Nursing Provider No. CEP 11409, for 5 contact hours (0.5 CEU).

  • CE Broker Tracking #: 50-11357


  • PHARMACISTS: University Learning Systems reports credit to CPE Monitor.

  • This course provides 5 Home Study contact hours (0.5 CEU). UAN 0741-0000-23-038-H01-P ACTIVITY: KNOWLEDGE.
    No Partial credit is awarded.

CANADIAN PHARMACISTS: Canadian Council on Continuing Education in Pharmacy (CCCEP) accepts courses accredited by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

NURSE PRACTITIONERS/NURSES: This course provides 5 contact hours (0.5 CEU) of pharmacotherapeutics / pharmacology requirements for American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) Category 1 Continuing Education Hours. The same hours submitted to renew certification may be submitted to a State Board of Nursing for re-licensure. American Nurses Credentialing Center (ANCC) accepts formally approved continuing education sponsored by organizations accredited or approved by the Accreditation Council for Pharmacy Education (ACPE).

OTHER HEALTH PROFESSIONALS: Please contact your respective board.

PHYSICIANS: This course may be considered for AMA Category 2 credit only.

CANADIAN PHYSICIANS: This course may be considered for AMA Category 2 credit only which may be equivalent to MAINPRO-M2 credits. Please contact your respective board.

PHYSICIAN ASSISTANTS: This course may be considered for AMA Category 2 credit only.

Dr. Christopher M. Bland, Pharm.D., FCCP, FIDSA, BCPS

Clinical Professor, Clinical and Administrative Pharmacy, University of Georgia College of Pharmacy, Clinical Pharma- cy Specialist, St. Joseph’s/ Candler Health System, Sa- vannah, Georgia. Co-founder of SERGE-45, practice-based research network, co-founder of TeachMePharm, drug therapy teaching platform. .



2023-12-08-Updates in Pharmacotherapy for Weight Loss (Copy)


2023-12-07-New Drugs, Post-Covid Syndrome, Headaches, Infectious Disease